Thursday, January 31, 2013

Goodnight <3

Goodnight Dirty Directioners! Im going to bed because I have to get up at 4 AM tomorrow. Bree's coming over to stay the night tomorrow so expect pictures and posts from both of us! Byeeeee! I will leave you with this gorgeous picture of Niall with sex hair ;) Lol he's all sweatyyy.

-LᎯɴί ✝


Heyyyyyy! So it's Melani...or Lani...or whatever you wanna call me. GUESS WHAT OMG IM WATCHING PITCH PERFECT HOLY FUCK THIS IS MY MOVIE GUYS. Anna Kendrick is my bitch. Lol anywayssss I just want to tell you, Bree and I are Harry girls, Kipi's a Niall girl, and Emily's a Zayn girl :P Just in case you ever wanna uh, write us some imagines...yeah. OMG LOOK FAT PATRICIA! Lol sorry #obsessed "You call yourself Fat Amy?" "Yeah so twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back." HAHHAHAHAHAGAHHAFA. I just I... Imma go fangirl over the Treblemakers :P BYEEEEEEEE!


Hello fellow Earthlings! Its Mackenna!! Sooo me, Bree and Melani are in our last period class with the actual Wicked Witch of the South.... She gave the entire class we had before with her lunch detention!!!!!! She has to be on her monthly... UGGGGG SHE IS SOOO MEAN!! She's the reason I hid under the table yesterday. Soooo yep I REALLY want to write one shots or short fanfics soooo send them in! Like seriously NOW. Write your name, the guy you want it with and if you want it to be sad, happy etc... and press POST.... NOW! Soooo i guess this is goodbye..... Bye.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Haha...I laugh...

Hello Directioners that may or may not be dirty. This is Melani :P Im just posting because I'm bored. And I have to tell you that the other girls will only post at school. We use my iPod to post. Most of us don't have access to computers, iPods, or internet in general, either because our moms are really protective (Bree), or we've been in a lot of trouble lately (Me, Mackenna, and Emily). Sometimes I have access to blogging though so yep :) The others may come over some weekends or tell me to post something in their name. I know that nobody is probably reading this right now but if you are, can you please tell your friends? I promise we'll get funnier and MUCH MUCH dirtier. I actually have a dirty Harry fanfic one shot thingy on the way and preferences. So does Mackenna and Bree is into writing them as well. We'll take requests! So yep. Oh you know what, if you tell someone about this blog one of us will gladly write an imagine for you :) Just give us your name, the boy, and if you want it dirty or romantic or sad or emotional blah blah blah. So yeah I think that's all for now. We may present you with pictures tomorrow if we dont feel too crappy, so be ready. Bye Dirty Directioners!

Ps. I sound so stupid in this post...and needy...and carroty...ew dont look at me :(


Hello Dirty Directioners!! I am one of the co-owners Mackenna! I'm the shy one! I'm also the most responsible of the group... Then theres Melani! She is the main owner of this blog! She's the smart one who came up with the idea of the blog! She is funny and is clumsy.... Then there is Emily. She is a hippy and kind of delayed....Hahaha And last but not least, there's Bree! She is NOT afraid to say what she thinks.... She is also very funny and random! Currently I'm hiding under a table to avoid the teacher....So until next time ... Stay dirty Directioners!!